Sunday, December 1, 2019

Design Patterns

class App{
    private App(){}
    static App createInstance(){}

interface App{
    public void develop();
    public void test();
    public void debug();
    public void deliver();
public class IOSApp implements App{}
public class TVApp implements App{}
public class WatchApp implements App{}

class AppStoreFactory{
   public App createApp(AppType type) {
       App app;
       switch (type) {
       case IOS:
           app = new IOSApp();
       case TV:
           app = new TVApp();
       case GLASS:
           app = new GlassApp();
           app = new GlassApp();
       return app;

Compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets client treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly.

Manager implements Employee
VP extends Manager
SectionManager extends Manager
TeamLeader extends Manager
Developer implements Employee

Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.

public abstract class App implements Cloneable {}
public class IOSApp extends App {}
public class WatchApp extends App {}

public class BasicAppCache {
     public void load() {}
     public App get(AppType type) {}


public class AdvancedAppCache {
    private App load(AppType type) {}
    public App get(AppType type) {}

public class AppFactory {
    BasicAppCache appCache;
    public App createApp(AppType type) {
        return this.appCache.get(type);

public class AppStore {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        final App app = new AppFactory().createApp(AppType.WATCH));

Allows for object-level access control by acting as a pass-through entity or a placeholder object.

public interface Book {}
public class RealBook implements Book {}
public class ProxyBook implements Book {}
public class LibraryService {


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